We are thrilled to share exciting news about our latest feature in Eilbote, a prominent source for agricultural news and insights. The article sheds light on FieldBee's innovative track guidance system, emphasising the quick installation, affordability, and unique journey of our company, particularly in the aftermath of the war in Ukraine.
Read below for a summary of the article for our English-speaking friends and scroll down for the original feature.

FieldBee's Journey: From Ukraine to Poland

The war in Ukraine prompted a significant shift for FieldBee. Originally rooted in Ukraine, our technology and development team relocated to southeastern Poland, overcoming challenges and setting up a new assembly facility. This move not only ensured our team's safety but also allowed us to establish our quality controls and expand our workforce.

Eilbote Highlights FieldBee's Technology and Retrofitting Solutions

Eilbote emphasises that FieldBee's technology is ready for use in just over 30 minutes. The system comprises a steering wheel, engine, and antenna, providing farmers with a streamlined approach to track guidance. Michael Utkin, CEO and majority owner of FieldBee, underlines the simplicity of installation, stating that with the RTK signal and a SIM card, accuracies of up to 2 cm are achievable, particularly with the SAPOS correction signal, which is free of charge in some German states.

Affordable Retrofitting for Farmers

FieldBee takes pride in offering an affordable retrofitting solution, catering to farmers who seek comfort and savings without making a substantial investment. With an introductory price of around 3,000 euros, the system becomes accessible to a wide range of farmers, providing a low-cost alternative for those looking to enhance efficiency in their operations.

Continued Commitment to the German Market

Germany plays a crucial role in FieldBee's market strategy, with a focus on reaching farms that still operate without satellite assistance. Despite challenges, including the disruption caused by Russia's attack on Ukraine, FieldBee managed to raise 1.5 million euros through pre-orders, enabling the delivery of 750 systems in 2023. Michael Utkin expresses the company's commitment to finding dealers as sales and installation partners in Germany, aiming to offer customers a cost-effective tractor navigation product.

FieldBee's Gratitude for the Eilbote Feature

We are grateful for the recognition by Eilbote, a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire FieldBee team. As we continue to innovate and provide practical solutions for farmers it reinforces our commitment to delivering cutting-edge technology that transforms agricultural practices.
Stay tuned for more updates on FieldBee's journey as we revolutionise the landscape of agricultural guidance systems.

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