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How to connect L1 receiver to NTRIP

FieldBee GNSS receiver can provide 0 – 4 cm accuracy with connection to local NTRIP provider. There are a few required conditions for that. FieldBee GNSS receiver needs to:
  • Receive a signal from more than 8 satellites;
  • Be connected to the Internet (WiFi network or Hotspot network);
  • Be set up to the active account at the local NTRIP provider.
Info! You can connect FieldBee receiver to any 2,4 GHz WiFi network or mobile Hotspot, enabled from a device which is not using for FieldBee setup. 5G networks are not available for RTK correction reception.
Start initial set up by locating FieldBee GNSS receiver at 1-1,5 m height above the ground and wide-open area. Download FieldBee toolbox from Play Store, following the link
  1. Turn FieldBee receiver on;
  2. Open FieldBee toolbox app;
  3. Choose FieldBee;
  4. Tap FieldBee serial number to continue setup;
  5. Connect FieldBee GNSS receiver to the internet:
  6. Setup NTRIP connection:
    1. Tap Connect to NTRIP Network.
    2. Tap Add NTRIP network button.
    3. Input: server, port, choose available mountpoint*, login, and password;
    4. Tap Connect button.
    5. NTRIP profile is added to list successfully.
    6. Tap the NTRIP profile to apply these settings.
    7. NTRIP profile has been applied.
    8. Wait until FieldBee receiver will be connected to NTRIP network.
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