Table Of Contents
How to connect L2 receiver to NTRIP
Before starting, check if you have NTRIP provider in your country at the page: or QR code:Important! If you didn’t find your NTRIP provider in the list try to find it yourself. If you don’t have an NTRIP provider in your region – you can purchase a FieldBee RTK GNSS Base station, get high accuracy and share your signal with neighbours.
Register with local NTRIP provider
Obtain the following information:- IP address (ask for it specifically from NTRIP provider);
- Port;
- Login and Password;
- Recommended mount points.
Prepare WiFi access inside the tractor cabin
To receive RTK correction from a NTRIP provider for your FieldBee L2 receiver you’ll need to have a WiFi network in your tractor cabin.Important!To enable Internet in your tractor cabin you have 2 options:
- Use rtkwifi and 12345678 as name and password for WiFi (rename Hotspot or use these credentials on WiFi router). FieldBee receiver will be connected to WiFi networks with this name automatically.
- If you can not use rtkwifi and 12345678 as credentials for your WiFi network, first do additional Step 4 below (See User Manual).
- Turn on WiFi Hotspot on your tablet/phone; If Hotspot is not active on your smartphone please contact your mobile network provider to enable this functionality. Incoming phone calls can disrupt Hotspot on you phone, if you get a lot of calls use next option;
- Install in the cabin 3G/4G WiFi Router with a sim Card;
Connect to NTRIP provider
- Turn on FieldBee L2 receiver;
- Open FieldBee L2 Toolbox app and press Allow to access your device location;
- From the list of devices connect to L2 receiver with your Serial number;
Important! If you don’t see your antenna in the list, restart the antenna and application.
- Open NTRIP parameters and Paste credentials that you’ve received from your NTRIP provider (see step 1) and press SAVE;
- Press REBOOT for applying parameters;
- In L2 Toolbox app wait until NTRIP status has changed from Error to OK/Active;
- Open FieldBee tractor navigation app and Start your work with high precision. Your accuracy should change to FRTK/RTK;
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