August 27, 2019
Precision farming is recognized as a great practice that can help farmers to reduce up to 70% of the costs of food production and be more sustainable, not to mention improving working conditions and reduce time in field operations.
Mai 28, 2019
When choosing farm GPS system, you will be confronted with the notion of accuracy or precision. There is a clear relationship between the precision of the GPS receiver and how expensive it is.
April 19, 2018
Since we started our big project to create the autosteer system that every farmer dreams about, you have shared many valuable information and great ideas with us.
April 5, 2018
A few months ago I was approached by the president of Ukrainian association of beekeepers «GRAND EXPERT»…
März 21, 2018
driving with higher precision is good, but what is even better is to make the tractor drive by itself with high precision. Oh, this is a dream of every farmer who uses a tractor. Do you agree with us?
Dezember 5, 2017
All farmers we know dream of an affordable and highly accurate automatic steering system. We are working on fulfilling that dream.
März 16, 2017
Michael Utkin – the founder of eFarmer – is an official speaker at the international exhibition Innotech 2017.He will present his presentation on, “How to find a product-market fit in AgTech”.
März 3, 2017
We have selected the best smart antenna to go together with our app to provide the best quality to our customers at a reasonable price.
März 3, 2017
We decided to make an overview of the best smart GPS antennae available on the market today, that provide the best quality at a reasonable price.